
Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Network Design

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To meet the requirements given, the network was designed to be both scalable and secure. The networks required a specific number of hosts for the LAN each connection to the switches. For the EIGRP and OSPF companies, the devices used VLSM and were given /19, which provided many more addresses than the required 120 and 250. This addressing made sense, due to its scalability and because were seven devices on these networks. Had the network used a /24 an entire octet of addresses would have been wasted. For the RIP company, to account for its users a /24 was used because it allowed for 250 hosts and it could use vlsm and not waste addresses. A network professional must plan for current as well as future needs. This is discussed in “Optical Network Design and Planning” as it relates to wireless networks. “A design issue in some wireless networks is the ability of a system to allow for a specified number of hosts to transmit information without completely changing the design of the current network” (Vinod Kumar Verma, Surinder Singh, Nagendra P. Pathak, 2014). …show more content…

Security is almost certainly the most difficult aspect of a network to perfect. It is important to have the correct procedures and components in place to make certain network security is being accounted for and addressed on any given network. The journal, “Future Generation Computer Systems” elaborates on this necessity for an information system. “Future Generation Computer Systems”, this component of a network is discussed thoroughly. “Essentially securing an Information System (IS), involves identifying unique threats and challenges which need to be addressed by implementing the appropriate countermeasures” (Dimitrios Zissis, Dimitrios Lekkas, 2012). This was achieved through configuring access lists as well as CHAP configuration on the routers connecting to the edge

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