
Nuclear Power Essay

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Nuclear power is a technology that has enormous benefits for humankind. As the demand for energy is only continuing to grow, it has become important to develop energy technology that has good yield and minimal negative side effects. After the harnessing of the atom for use in nuclear weapons, the knowledge of how to exploit the atom became incorporated in nuclear power plants (Corradini 1). These use uranium fuel in a process that releases tremendous amounts of energy to be captured, but also that creates minimal waste and other byproducts. Despite these, the benefits of nuclear energy outweigh any disadvantages, as seen by its high energy output, reliability, and minimal environmental impact when compared to energy sources such as …show more content…

In addition to this, the usage of nuclear power is expected to expand in the future. In order to keep up with the aforementioned rising global energy demand, electricity generated via nuclear power is, by 2030, projected to increase by 29% from the 2.7 trillion kilowatt-hours of energy generated in 2006 (Adamantiades). This increase will be footed by the creation of new nuclear power plants all around the world. For example, the United Nations has been approached by “more than 40 developing countries, ranging from the Gulf to Latin America,” about beginning nuclear energy programs. As well, 21 new reactors are under construction and 150 are being planned in Asia. Further plans exist or are being discussed to increase the nuclear energy output of countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico (Adamantiades). Overall, the high output of nuclear energy is providing and will continue to provide a practical energy source which can fill the global energy demand. Another primary component of nuclear power’s appeal is its high energy density; that is, the fuel used for nuclear power can generally produce more electricity than can be produced by an equivalent amount of fuel in a different power plant technology. For example, coal-fired plants, which meet the most of the global energy demand, are capable of generating 0.35 megawatt-days of electricity for every metric ton of coal burned. By

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