
Nurses ' Preparedness For Women Exposed With Intimate Partner Violence

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Summary In this article, the authors discuss nurses’ preparedness to identify and provide nursing care to women exposed to intimate partner violence. This was a quantitative experimental study that involved a questionnaire that measured nurses’ preparedness when encountering with women exposed to IPV. The questionnaire was designed to identify them as the nurse and the interventions the nurses would provide to the women. Of 174 primary health care centers, 40 were randomly selected to participate in the study, and only one declined to participate. The nurses in each PHCC were contacted by telephone and received verbal and written information about the study. The data was analyzed using statistical software, STATA, and Pearson’s chi-square test was used to test the statistical significance of the findings. Questionnaires were distributed to 277 nurses and the response rate was 69.3%.
Critical Analysis Eva M Sundborg, Nouha Saleh-Stattin, Per Wändell and Lena Törnkvist were the authors of this article; however, the credentials of the authors and researchers are not stated in the article. The title of the article contained both the study population, which is nurses, and the key variable, which is the preparedness to care for women exposed to intimate partner violence. The abstract summarized the main features of the report. The abstract discussed that the researchers wanted to assess how prepared the nurses were to identify IPV in women exposed and provide nursing care for

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