
Nursing Case Study Alzheimer's Disease

Decent Essays

You are the nurse doing home visits in a retirement community. Your patient is an 85-year-old male who has been diagnosed with AD. His adult children are with him for the visit. They want to know about the disease and what treatment options exist. They ask the following questions:
1) Can you explain the progression of the disease? Is it curable?
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can be a devastating disease for patient and families, the patient would need 24-hour care and they would become dependent on their families. I used to take care off a lady with AD at a facility. The facility had several room, one for people with early signs of AD where the patients were still doing ADL’s on their own and another where patients needed total care. My client …show more content…

The family should be informed on nonpharmacological treatments such as eating a healthy diet, exercising, socializing, and playing games where the brain is challenge. In this case the patient has been diagnosed with AD and the he would benefit from a pharmacological treatment that may delay the progression of the disease.

2) Will the drug Aricept [donepezil] work to cure his disease?

Burcham and Rosentheal (2016) talk about a medication called Aricept. Aricept is a cholinesterase inhibitor that was approved by the FDA to treat early stages of Alzheimer's disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical in the brain and the body that helps to communicate with other cells in the body. For AD patients, Aricept would increase the amount of acetylcholine and improve the function of neuron that have not been destroyed. Furthermore, Aricept does not cure the disease, it helps delaying the disease and preventing symptoms form becoming worse.

3) What kind of side effects can we expect Dad to have with the drug?

Side effects can be expected with any drug,

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