
O Brother Where Art Thou Analysis

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In every piece of literature, there is an overall message, or theme. Most even have more than one, and we, as readers, are supposed to take away the importance from the work. Pieces can even share morals and themes. We see an example of this in The Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou because they share several of the same themes. One of the main overall themes these two pieces have in common is the importance of family. In The Odyssey, all Odysseus wanted to do was return home to his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus and live happy lives together again. He had to fight several monsters on his journey to get home, but he always came up with a plan to defeat them. “I had touched the spot when sudden fear stayed me: if I kill him we perish there as well, for we could never move his ponderous door slab aside” (The Odyssey, Page 387). In this quote from Odysseus, he was about to stab the cyclops “where the midriff holds the liver” but he decided not to because then no one would be able to escape and eventually return home. When he got home he found that his house was filled with more than 100 suitors that planned on marrying his wife, but he made a plan and ended up chasing the suitors away so he could have his wife back(The …show more content…

The themes can be interpreted differently though because these two stories are not exactly the same. One of the main reasons that the themes are affected is because of the different settings. The Odyssey was set in Greek and Roman times and they were on a boat, on the sea, trying to get home. They encountered several bigger and scarier monsters than the boys in O Brother Where Art Thou and they actually had to fight them off. They were dedicated the whole time and all of their actions proved that they were more determined than Everett to get home. All Everett had to do to make it home was walk and stay out of the police’s

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