
Ober Test

Decent Essays

Introduction 29-year-old male patient referred to physical therapy with complaints of gradually developed right knee pain, increased stiffness with activity, mild swelling, and occasional popping sound while climbing stairs. Patient is a long distance runner covering 10 miles 4 days a week. Also, patient does biking occasionally. Patient denies any recent injuries or fall. Patient medical history is not significant except with diagnosis of renal stones 3 years ago. Patient lives alone and perform all functional activities. However, right knee pain is affecting his normal exercise routine and currently he is not able to run more than 3 miles due to knee pain and discomfort. Physical therapist is suspecting a possible right Iliotibial …show more content…

The basic difference between Ober and modified Ober tests is the way tested knee is positioned. In Ober test physical therapist will be holding the knee of the testing leg in flexion and in modified Ober test the knee will be held in extension. The article by Reese and Brady, 2013, generated more interested in author since they used an inclinometer in an effort to measure the reliability between two IT band tests. The primary objective of the study was to determine the intrarater reliability of the Ober test and the modified Ober test for the assessment of IT band flexibility, Reese & Brady, 2013. The study was conducted in 61pain free subjects (17 males and 44 females), with a mean age of 24.2 years. Both Ober test and modified Ober tests were conducted during 2 measurement sessions over 2 consecutive days by measuring the hip adduction using an inclinometer. Three investigators participated in the measurement of IT band flexibility with different levels of experience. The article summarized that the use of an inclinometer for measuring IT band flexibility using both the Ober test and the modified …show more content…

As per Reese & Brady, 2013, the study demonstrated the ICC values calculated and the intrarater reliability was 0.90 for the Ober test and 0.91 for the modified Ober test. Results of the dependent t test indicated a significant difference (P <.001) in the range of motion of the hip between the Ober test and the modified Ober test. As per the CEBM 2011 levels of evidence, this study falls under Level 4 since the evidence was from a single descriptive or qualitative study. Conclusion Even though the dependent t test indicated a significantly greater range of motion of the hip in adduction using the modified Ober test as compared to the Ober test, the study concluded that the Ober and modified Ober tests should not be used interchangeably for the measurement of the flexibility of the IT band. Based on the information received from this article, the author will try to perform modified Ober test by stabilizing the pelvis to avoid any unnecessary motion that would apparently increase the hip range of motion. According to Wang, Jan, Lin & Wang, 2006, both the modified Ober test might be more effective in treating and stretching the iliotibial

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