
Olaudah Equiano

Decent Essays

My book is called “The Slave who bought his Freedom”. It was written by Olaudah Equiano. He was born in 1745. I believe that he wrote this book to show people how he and many other African Americans struggled. I also believe that he is trying to paint a picture of what Africa looked like and how it felt to be torn away from its cultured landscape.
Only a small part of Equiano’s childhood was enjoyable. He talks about his religious beliefs. Which is a god that they called by the name of Chukwu. He, and his people believed that Chukwu lived in the sun and that he was the one and only god. Equianos’s father was one of the chiefs in his village and he was a great leader. When Equiano was younger he wanted to be just like him. He deeply loved his parents and his younger sister, Owi, who is a year younger than him.
In one day, his life was taken away from him. When he was eight years old, he was playing with Owi in the sand. All of a sudden they were both stuffed in sacks and dragged away. They were captives of the Oye-Eboe. The Oye- Eboe are Indians. He said that as a small child he was frightened by them. They were instantly separated from each other. They united again in Africa, but that was the last time that they saw each other. Equiano was sold many times before they took him away from Africa. As a slave he worked all the time. …show more content…

His new name was Gustavus Vassa. This was established from his master in England. He traveled to many places. As a slave and free. He gained each of his masters’ trust and even though he hated slavery he never tried to escape. Instead he decided to work hard and buy his own freedom which is what he ended up doing. He faced many hardships at sea, became a Christian, and educated himself. He even became a hair stylist at a time. Even though he went to the remotest spots on the world he was never able to come back to Africa. He died between the times of 1797 and

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