
A Strategic Analysis Of Onesteel Limited

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Student Name: ZUIJIA LIU Student Number: 42280099


A Strategic Analysis of OneSteel Limited

Student Name: ZUIJIA LIU Student Number: 42280099 Tutor: Alexander Stathakis Lecturer: Martina Linnenluecke

MGTS3301-Business Policy and Strategy (A Strategic Analysis)


Student Name: ZUIJIA LIU Student Number: 42280099

Contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………….…..…3 1.1 Report Overview………………………………………………………….…...…3 1.2 Organisation Overview……………………………………………….…………3 2. External Environmental Analysis…………………………………….……...…4 2.1 Analysis of Macro Environment………………………………………..………4-5 2.2 Analysis of Industry Environment………………………………………..……5-6 2.2.1 Threat of New Entrants……………………………………………….….…6 2.2.2 The …show more content…

Economical: Strong Australian currency affects steel manufacturing export and import (Smith 2011) Job cuts and industry shuts due to weak domestic demand and downturn in the construction industry (ABC News 2011). Social: Changing in preference: the growing availability of alternative materials may replace steels such metallic glass (Vieru 2011). Skilled worker shortage in Australia (BusinessSpectator 2012) Technological: With the development of steel industry, new renewable resources are required due to nonrenewable resources will be less and less such as iron ore and carbon (Szargut, Ziebik & Stanek 2002) Environmental: Steel Industry has impacts on air quality due to the emissions, which may lead climate change. Environmental pollution requires steel business to reduce the emission in order to develop a clean energy future by advanced technology. Water saving issue. (Costello 2011) Legal: Changes in taxation regulation such as the federal government passed 30% tax on iron ore and coal mining profit (Scott 2012).

Among those external aspects, four factors should be addressed which are political, economical and environmental. From the political perspective, the federal government offers this assistance to adapt and modify steel business models, which to ensure long-term

MGTS3301-Business Policy and Strategy (A Strategic Analysis)



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