
Ordinary People Sparknotes

Decent Essays

In the book Ordinary People by Judith Guest the person I relate with most is going to be Conrad Jarrett. Conrad is the son of Calvin and Beth. In the story Conrad was in a boating accident with his brother which caused his brother’s death and Conrad blamed himself for his death. Then Conrad a year later tried to commit suicide and it forced him to have to spend time in a hospital to get better. When Conrad gets out he still feels little purpose in life and no motivation. He starts to see Dr. Berger to help him recover from everything he has been through. My relation with his problems isn’t exactly the same but I can relate in a way. My stepdad had a car accident and the car accident caused his death. Me and my family were devastated when we found out. It can really change a lot when a family member dies.
In chapter 13 Conrad gets into an argument with his mother. Beth hears from Lazenby’s mother that Conrad quit the swim team. Beth is mad because he quit and didn’t tell them about it. Conrad says that he just spends his time at the library, Conrad is getting angry and says that he would have told them if he thought they cared. Then Conrad ends up telling Beth to go to hell. I can relate to Conrad in this chapter because of him getting in arguments with his parents because I seem to do it every now and then. …show more content…

I can relate because I do the same I wake up then I just think of everything I have to do and whatever is on my mind. Conrad also had a passion for a sport that he liked but didn’t have fun because he didn’t like his friends but he said he wanted to be better so he decided to do swim. I can relate because I used to have a passion for basketball and I always wanted to be better but I didn’t like the people I played with but I just played through that so I could do what I loved so that’s how Conrad’s situation relates to

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