
Organizational Change, Learning and Performance Management Essays

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Organizational Change, Learning and Performance management
Presently, organizations have become a complex phenomenon, which requires numerous functions and strategies to manage the human resources. In today’s world there is a great need for organizational change and learning from time to time because of increasing globalization and technological advances. Proper plans and policies should be framed for implementing organizational change (Allen & Kilman, 2001). Organization learning and change manage the performance of the employees in the organization.
Performance management system supports the continuous improvement of knowledge, skills and performance of the employees. This system is required for the overall development of the …show more content…

One of the best examples of performance management through management of learning and change in the organization is the reward system. A reward system can be anything that attracts an employee’s attention and stimulates him to work. It is a systematically planned program to motivate individual or group performance. The way in which an organization can fulfill its dream with the help of its employees, is to share the dream with them. According to the scholar Deeprose, reward system gives motivation and encouragement to the employees to work for the organization.
They are far more than just bonus plans and stock options. Reward systems mostly include various awards, recognition, promotions, reassignment, non-monetary bonuses linked to the performance of the employees. It includes a variety of monetary as well as non-monetary rewards (Deeprose, 2007). Rewards are important motivators. Their effectiveness depends upon three factors: drives, preference value and satisfying value of the goal objects. Financial incentives are linked more effectively with basic motivation or deficiency needs (which are necessary for survival). Non-financial incentives are linked more closely with higher motivation or becoming needs (self actualization needs) (Tyson & York, 2000).
According to Sarvadi, giving non-monetary and monetary rewards to employees for their performance and contribution is the best method of motivating them. These rewards will help the management to

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