
Outline for Persuasive Essay on Physician Assisted Suicide

Decent Essays

Title: Physician Assisted Suicide
Topic: Assisted Suicide
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience on the right to choose your path with P.A.S.
Thesis Statement: Physician Assisted Suicide should be a matter of free will and not just law.


Attention Material: “But it may also be within my power to take a life, this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play God”. (Hippocratic oath)

Thesis Statement: Physician Assisted Suicide should be a matter of free will and not just law. Preview: Today i will first discuss what Physician assisted suicide is. Then, i will discuss why I think it should be …show more content…

III. On the flip side of this coin it could said that there is extenuating circumstances in this situation. A) Doctors take an oath not to do harm and assisting a patient with suicide could be a Violation of their oath. B) According to the “ Journal of Medical Ethics” it may not be that simple to assist with Suicide, some people have violent reactions to the medications and do not die.

IV. Some would say that there are religious issues with suicide, but according to “Clarifying Christianity” the Bible speaks in Exodus (20) verse 1-17 that we should not murder. That is often taken out of context and one cannot simply murder their own self.

V. Death is not easy at all, not for the patient of their family, but it can be more “peaceful” and everyone should have the right to choose their own end when all that lies ahead is needless pain and suffering for an end that is certainly coming.


I. Imagine yourself or a loved one just diagnosed with a terminal debilitating illness. You are given at best six months to live. During those six months your prognosis will turn from bad to worse. You know you will eventually be in an uncontrollable amount of persistent pain. You will eventually lose the ability to feed, dress, or bathe and toilet yourself. Your once very active life will become one

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