
Outsourcing Medical Billing Services: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Reasons Why you Should Outsource Medical Billing Services
Medical practices are taking resort to outsourced Medical Billing services in the current wake of healthcare reforms and payment fee schedule 2015. It is predicted that most individual practices will either merge to form group practices or take resort to outsourcing their billing process to strike a balance between their administrative tasks and generating revenue. Specialists provide complete Medical Billing Outsourcing Services to medical providers.
Although outsourcing is a beneficial option, it actually depends on the practice’s health, size, performance and revenue cycle management (RCM). For many practices it might be wise to retain their billing in-house. Nevertheless, those who choose a billing partner experience the following benefits:
• Value for Money …show more content…

Giving that the deadline for implementing the new coding standard is October 01, 2015, practices are taking recourse to outsourcing their billing to avoid losing revenue due to inaccurate coding.
Besides that they also get the advantage of experience in particular medical specialties. This is a huge advantage for group practices or multi specialty clinics.
• Follow up with Payers
Rejection of claims is a common affair and working on the same claims takes a backseat due to the flurry of fresh claims but working on it is equally important because aging AR is not healthy for the financial health of medical practices. Outsourced billing process takes this up on priority and this substantially helps in keeping low AR days. Most vendors try to maintain an average AR age within 30 – 45 days.
• Increase in Collections
Statistics indicate that collections remain stagnant if they aging AR is left unattended. Timely submission of claims, working on the rejections immediately, following up with the payers and initiating the appeals process – all these ultimately lead to increase in cash

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