
PACU Nurse Observation Essay

Satisfactory Essays

On 01/27/2016, I observed about 22 patients in Postanesthesia Care Unit. Some of the patients were observed after surgeries while others were observed after endoscopy. During my shift, I observed patients awaiting recovery for removal of kidney stones, malignant melanoma (removal of moles), Endometrial Biopsy (EBX), superficial femoral artery (SFA), Hernia repair, Oophorectomy (ovary removal surgery), Cardiorrhaphy (Ventricular repair), Cystolithalopaxy (bladder stone removal), gall stone removal, Ectopic pregnancy surgery, and leg surgery.

The role of PACU nurse is to monitor and care for patients during the immediate postanesthesia period. Their goal is to identify prospective problems that may arise as a result of anesthesia and surgery and to mediate applicably. …show more content…

Second, the nurse commences assessment with an evaluation of patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation for any signs of inadequate oxygenation and ventilation. One of the patients’ temperature was 102 F and the physician recommended pain medication (dilaudid) and it was administered instantly. The nurse gets vital signs and compare the result with intraoperative care. The nurse chart vital signs every 5 mins for the next 15mins, every 15mins for the next hour depending on the recovery state of the patient. I also noticed that for diabetic patients, the nurse checks for blood glucose and also compare result with intraoperative care unit result. Third, the nurse assess pain although the patients receive pain medication before surgery. Fourth, the nurse assess surgical site (dressings and drainage). Fifth, the nurse assess neurologic (level of consciousness, orientation, sensory & motor status, pupil size and reaction. Finally, the nurse assess gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, intake of

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