
PETA Or People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals

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The animal rights group PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has been a controversial group for people inside and outside of the vegan community. PETA is known for publishing articles exposing factory farms, companies that test on animals, meat industries, etc. Many people disagree with PETA for the sole reason of them supporting animal rights, but there are also many people in the vegan community who do not agree with PETA’s ideologies. Contrary to what a lot of people think, the animal rights group, PETA, has a negative social footprint. PETA has gone to extreme measures to publicize their campaigns, with topics involving falsified rape, the exploitation of minorities, and have even had cases of animal abuse tried against them. …show more content…

In the video shared online, many women are shown sharing their rape stories, with each of them reciting a line. The way this ad is presented, with the sorrowful expressions on the women's faces, and the sad music playing in the background, it suggests the story is about women who are victims of rape (Shapiro). The ad then takes a turn and it is made clear the women are in fact telling stories of cows and pigs in food factories who are forced into artificial insemination (PETA). While the act of forcing animals into giving birth for the production of meat and dairy is bad, this article is falsifying and glamorizing women’s sexual

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