
Parent Rights and Parental Control: Looking for a Surrogate

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A couple is looking for a surrogate. They find an interested individual named Sue. When they sit down to discuss the details of their arrangement, Sue disagree that parental rights are automatically acquired by those who have genetic claims to the fetus. What should Sue do? Sue should autonomously decide to leave the agreement on the table so the couple can find a different surrogate that is of the same mind, just as parties do in a usual labor agreement. The second and third facets required of all labor agreements are a length of contract agreement and payment. Though surrogacy contracts are understood to last nine months, additional time may be negotiated to provide for the surrogate mother as she recovers from the pregnancy and birth. Payment, naturally, must always be agreed to in both surrogate arrangements and regular labor agreements. Finally, all labor contracts contain a section on potential risks to the employer and contractor, and subsequent reparations. While some opponents to the existence of surrogacy might make a claim that the risks involved do not outweigh any possible benefits, I urge them to consider labor contracts that deal with scaffoldings or other endeavors that might risk life-and-limb already covered in contract law. Others might reply that this type of surrogacy contract isn’t feasible and will only result in breach of contract cases. Yet, they fail to acknowledge that contestation of contractual obligation in terms of labor agreements

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