
Parenting Styles In The Movie Parenthood

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The front door squeaks close. One’s child arrived home at 1:00 AM, but was instructed to be home at 10:00 PM. That child came home with his parents waiting on the stairs with hands on their waists. His parents yelled at the boy for twenty minutes and had all electronic devices taken away from him, but the parents needed to first understand what their children did, and how he could have solved the problem. Families shouldn't feel upset and ignore their children because they broke a rule; they should sit down with their child and listen to what they have to say. It’s important for a child to recognize what they did and give them options on how they want to resolve them. Throughout this unit, many parenting styles were presented, including Baumrind's …show more content…

There were many positive examples of authoritative parenting in this unit. In the movie Parenthood, one of Gil’s sons named Kevin needed help because Kevin had some emotional problems (Parenthood). Gil and his wife couldn't just ignore Kevin’s problems, so they used authoritative parenting style by communicating with him so they can solve the problem. Another scene from the movie is when Julie brought her boyfriend into Helen’s home (Parenthood). Helen could have and might of wanted to just kick out both of them, but she listened to what her child said and knew removing her from the house was not the right choice. Both households listened to their child and didn't just jump into conclusions, and I think that is very important in a …show more content…

Research has shown that out of the other parenting styles, authoritative is the most beneficial (Williams). When parent's use that parenting style, they have high expectations for their children. Other research has shown that when parents are authoritative and have high standards for their kids, their children will have a bond with their parents and they will learn how valuable it can be. People need to know how important creating good relationships with their children are because it will create trust between the parents and their family. It is always good for parents to communicate clearly to their children and set expectations that will have positive outcomes for the days to

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