
Parmenides: A Better Solution To Our Problems

Decent Essays

The Reality of Parmenides

Parmenides offers a better solution to our problems because of his stance on space, change, and fate. One of his main points is the idea of space, the place we live in. Space is infinite. How do you measure something that is infinite? The answer is you don't. You cannot measure something that never ends or even brakes for the most influential atom. This makes the idea of movement more of an illusion than a constant occurrence. For example you are at home and you want to go to Starbucks. You are going to point A to point B. Parmenides would point out that you are never gonna get there you only think you will. This is because since space is infinite and immeasurable; that makes the space around us immeasurable as well. You take the distance from your house and Starbucks and cut it in half then again and again and so on. Eventually you will come to the tiniest fraction to the point where you are at nothing you have been in the same place you have started from. You have not reached that point, you haven't gone to Starbucks to pick up your Cafe Mocha. Its an illusion we create to make sense of the world around us because the human mind does not want to comprehend that what we are doing is for nothing, that we haven't gone or done anything at all. It is all just in our minds, the perfect illusion to distract us from the horrible truth of life. That life is an unmoving fixed point from where you cannot escape. Ultimately space can be defined as an …show more content…

Saying that you have no free will means that there is a pre determined system of fate that is in place. You must ask yourself these questions: Can you change the past? Can you see your predetermined responses before they happen? Are you in charge of the quantum mechanical physics that have shaped the world?

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