
Patrick Henry Speech Summary

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On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry, one of the crucial motivators of the American Revolution, delivers a speech in the Second Virginia Convention regarding gaining independence from Britain. Henry’s diction, allusions and counterarguments aid in his purpose of making the delegates feel the tyrannical rule by the British and believing in going to war with them is the only option in attaining freedom.
Henry’s diction portrays the British as untrustworthy and dishonorable. In the beginning of his speech, Henry states that he considers the need of independence from the British “nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery.” The words “freedom” and “slavery” are provided as ultimatums in which one can only have one, not both. The negative connotation conveyed through the word “slavery” make the delegates in the convention compare their situation of being ruled by the Britains to that of a slave and slave owner, leading to the consensus of the immorality displayed by the British. Therefore the delegates feel the absolute power the British have over the American colonists which incites a fear over their lack of control. The word “freedom” is most commonly associated with something one must fight to win. Through this word, Henry is able to imply to his audience that the Americans must fight with the Britains in order to gain freedom. In addition, when describing the military preparations the British are taking, Henry expresses that “these war-like preparations … cover American

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