
Perception That The Management Is The Key Decision Maker

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perception that the management is the key decision maker and attempt to meet and fit to the management needs and try to get ahead on the courtship phase (p.878). Fiolleau et al. indicated that the incumbent auditor on this study perceived that the management’s decision to switch audit firm has been done and the motivation of the issuance of RFP possibly because of the incumbent auditor’s has more local long term relationship with the board and the audit committee than the management (p.878). Fiolleau et al. observed that auditors going in for client acquisition as a business activity, instead of an expert service one and that auditor is determined to winning the client and has the perseverance to get the business now and any concern is for later (p.886).

The Role of the Management
Fiolleau, Hoang, Jamal, and Sunder (2013) study indicated that the reason for RFP issuance is the company’s concerned about growth, complexity and forward looking strategy which need a deeper auditor industry expertise, however the auditor’s proposals only present minimal expertise differentiation from similar audit firms, yet the management felt that every audit firm could do the job, therefore they focus their evaluative criteria on relationship and organization fit and commitment, and most importantly the “cultural fit” such as, the auditor’s rapport, chemistry, and past experience during the presentation (p.881). Fiolleau et al. pointed out the audit committee is looking at the references

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