
Going Up To Big Bear Essay

Decent Essays

When people are on winter break, most want to go out and play in the snow, but who knew that the snow could be one's worst nightmare when stubbornness comes into play. Most people go out on an enjoyable snow-white day to sled down snowy hills and fling semi-hard snowballs at each other. No one would think that maybe sledding down the snowy hills could be so dangerous when they are having fun, and trying to show off. I certainly did not think that it was dangerous, but boy was I so wrong. Normally being a Los Angeles girl, going up to Big Bear is such an amazing experience, because down in the Los Angeles region it does not snow at all. However, I was not ready to face what was slowly going to change me in the mountains of California.
In the California mountains of Big Bear on a medium-sized hill, feeling the cold freezing air brush against my long straighten ponytail as I looked below me, kids sledding down the small slopes. In the distance, I see my family waving to me and I hear them yelling in disagreement and warning of how high I was. However, the wind was muffling their words, and I did not care if they did not agree. I was going to do it no matter …show more content…

I held it for dear life. However, I never noticed that the rock I hit had broken it, but I was so scared being up that high up. All I could recall was everything going white and feeling so relaxed, yet still in mid-air. As I am flying in the air unconsciously, a loving pine tree swatted my body down to the ground. As my body fell down hitting everything in its path, getting pretty messed up and half of my face full of bloody specks. I do not remember the events that followed the few second where my vision went as a white as snow. I can only recall this whole moment with help from my family members, who told me everything that happened after me taking off like a

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