
Personal Narrative: My Family Trip To Yosemite

Decent Essays

I never thought I would rock climb blindfolded, yet last summer I climbed fifty feet of rock with a bandana over my eyes. This is not the first time I have done something so adventurous. I have always been determined, and this quality has led me to repeatedly push myself beyond my comfort zone. I have done out of the ordinary things from rock climbing to spelunking, things some people go their whole lives without doing. I have worked towards a single goal for years, hoping that my tenacity will lead to the attainment of that goal. My determination enables me to push myself to try new things, let my adventurous side shine, and labor long for something I desire. On a family trip to Yosemite when I was in elementary school, my family and I hiked to the base of Vernal Falls, a waterfall in Yosemite. Full of enthusiasm, I decided to hike to the top. My dad and I took a trail adjacent to the waterfall. Two-thirds of the way up, the path drew close against the falls and the granite trail became slick from moisture. My dad felt unable to climb the rest of the way, so I continued by myself. It was challenging to scale the slick stone, but I was determined to finish the hike. My tenacity paid off, propelling me to the top of the falls and …show more content…

With every new choir season I auditioned, and with every audition I failed. Although the reasons for my rejection varied with each attempt, I always had trouble with pitch. As this became a trend into my high school years, I began to doubt my ability. Although I still enjoyed singing in the choir and felt I had a place there, failing the solo auditions over and over again hurt. No matter how hard I worked, my pitch control did not improve, but I was determined to get a solo part. After five years of work and on my tenth audition, I was finally chosen for a part. This reaffirmed for me that if I am determined enough, I can do anything I put my mind

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