
Personal Narrative: Tutoring In Detroit

Decent Essays

Detroit. A few years ago, I only saw a skeleton of a city, afflicted with crime and hunger. It took a hero to transform my view, someone who would put aside their hesitation for the benefit of others and understand people regardless of their differences. My mother tutors children in inner-city Detroit. I am also her student. Through her insight and passion, I have learned to love many different parts of Michigan, and – more importantly – understand and respect all of its residents. My mother sees past the perceived barriers of poverty and crime, through to the real Detroit. When my mother started tutoring in Detroit, I was concerned. “Is the school you’re teaching at safe? What do you do when your students are disrespectful?” My mother was quick to respond. “When they are disrespectful? Maria, do you realize most of my students are just like you? They love to learn, listen to music, play games…” My mother started telling me stories about her students, showing me their feelings, beliefs, and dreams. Now, Detroit is more than just a city to me – it is a collection of stories, of children just like myself. …show more content…

She “graduated” each one of her students from the tutoring program, making sure they completed the course even when time was running short. Many nights, I would find my mother creating an engaging lesson and extensive lists of vocabulary words to help them do well in standardized tests. This past January, my mother taught her students to “pay it forward” by collecting water for Flint. My mother also ensures that each student’s reading level goes up by at least a grade – in many cases, several. She also told me about a student who was very interested in Korean culture and spoke with my Korean friend about a possible trip to a Korean market. My mother shook off her fatigue and spent hours to help a student she barely

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