
Personal Note On Sales Staffing

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Please see below as a follow up to our conversation today. I have also provided additional information and thoughts as well. Please excuse the length.

1. Sales, Sales, Sales are the only thing that matters. I have reiterated this to staff.
2. Nicholas office, we would like to rearrange front lobby area, to allow us to have an area for a greeter/receptionist, as well as making the office feel more welcoming. I have attached pictures as it currently exists and will work with Michelle on ideas and putting everything in motion.
3. Sales staffing, we are currently recruiting for two NHC positions. We have one candidate going through assessment and background with HR. In addition, we are going to look for a NHA to help staff the Nicholas office as a greeter for lack of a better term to start. In short term, I am contacting a part time experienced new home greeter, to see if she is available.
4. Brand Visibility, to help improve our brand visibility, we are placing large (3’x4’) signs on our Hi-Vis locations (Chiquita, Surfside), as well adding Holiday bandit signs to each of our inventory homes and owned lots. The inventory homes have been completed and we will complete the lot signs this week. We are also adding additional feather banners to our Nicholas location. The 3x4 sign proofs are being reviewed by marketing.
5. Advertising, we are reviewing our current advertising efforts in an effort to improve our response rate. One placement, which we should do, is in the

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