
Personal Philosophy Of Leadership Styles

Decent Essays

The threads of my leadership style have been influenced by my personal work experience and my time in practicum. Throughout my experiences I have been exposed to many different types of personal and corporate styles of leadership that I have been able to evaluate and reflect on to judge their effectiveness and take away key concepts that I have applied to my own leadership style. Chief among these is understanding the concept that over reaching change and improvement is a team effort that requires being open to input from all different members of the health care team. My personal philosophy of leader ship is heavily influenced by my bird type which is a dove. Doves tend to be natural team players that like to collaborate and work as a team towards a goal. Leadership Styles The leadership styles that resonated the most with me were servant leadership and shared governance. I identify with the servant leadership style the most strongly because of the 12 principles that mirror my personal work ethic and values. I believe a good leader is one that is able to listen to others and work to motive and provide an environment that nurtures growth and continued learning. One example, of a time that I have demonstrated servant leadership was when I acted as a preceptor to a new nurse tech in the ED. I started our first encounter by asking her what she had covered on her first day of orientation that she had with a different nurse tech. I listened to her and learned what things we

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