
Personal Statement: A Career As A Teaching Assistant

Satisfactory Essays

Firstly, as Napoleon Hill once said "It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed", I want to be able to directly provide support for new undergraduates and help them achieve their academic goals as a senior student. As a person who enjoys learning individuals' studying style and discovering different ways of teaching to help others reach their full potential, I believe that there is no job as rewarding as teaching. The satisfying feeling a teaching assistant can gain from helping students who have trouble learning is truly incomparable. Moreover, being a upperclassmanot only do I want share my amazing experience and advice for the new undergraduates but also as many students may feel intimidating to talk to the professors, I want to become a perfect link between the professor and students as well.
Secondly, I want to make an influence on the new students like my teaching assistants for Workshop I and II has influenced me. To be honest, before taking Workshop I, I …show more content…

When coming back to an introduction class, I will have the chance to reinforce the foundation of my knowledge as well as get a more in-depth understanding about the course. In addition, by doing RA's duties such as preparing lessons or grading papers, I will be able to experience the professor's perspective myself, making me want to become a better student myself. Through working as a T.A, I believe that my verbal, written and instructional communication skills will improve significantly and I will be able to get closer to the professors and establish new connections for my future. Although I understand that being a T.A comes with its own challenges, especially when trying to balance the demands of teaching with academic work or when teaching a difficult student, I believe that the experience and skills gained from being a T.A will make it

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