
Personal Statement : ' C ' Participation

Decent Essays

Highlight your 4-H participation. I like to say that I have been involved in 4-H since before I was allowed to be involved. Being the youngest in my family, I was always tagging along to 4-H events that my older sisters were in. Therefore, our clover kids’ leader, Michelle Hassebrock, let me participate with the clover kids about 2 years before I was even old enough to officially become a clover kid. That is where my journey in 4-H as a member of the Howard Happy Helpers officially began. From there, I was involved in 4-H all the way through my senior year of high school. My participation included holding multiple officer positions like; photographer for one year, historian for two years, treasurer for two years, and president for three …show more content…

When you’re a member in 4-H you get to, and are sometimes forced to, become interactive and build friendships. I say forced to, because I can remember countless times where other members would just come up and start getting to know me at the county fair. This is one of the reasons 4-H has had a great impact on me individually; it gave me the opportunity to develop new friendships and build life-long connections. It also encouraged me to become a leader. As I got involved in my 4-H club, I envied to older members that were always officers. I told myself at a very young age that someday I wanted to be just like them; up in front, leading our club. Obviously, I tackled that dream and held many offices, including president, multiple times. These opportunities really strengthened me on an individual level. One simple example of this, was during my senior year of high school, where I was elected senior football captain. Looking back, that shy little clover kid, that I once was, would have never been qualified to be a senior football captain. However, 4-H taught me the meaning of hard work, teamwork, and overall just how to become a better person; specifically in the areas of leadership and citizenship.
Explain how your 4-H experiences have helped you in your first year or two of college. Leaving high school and going to college can be a very difficult time for many students. You literally leave almost all your friends that

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