
Personal Statement On Health Management

Decent Essays

“Follow your passion; it will lead you to your purpose,” Oprah Winfrey. My passion leading me to a degree in healthcare management has been the love I have for my son. Becoming a single mother, shortly before my son turned two-years-old, was life altering. Moving back in with my family, realizing I had no income, and no longer the team effort from his father, was an indescribable sense of failure as a parent. Obtaining a degree is my way to change that, and guarantee a future in which I will be able to independently raise and provide for my son. A degree in healthcare management is a stepping-stone to a diverse array of opportunities. Healthcare is an expanding field, and explicitly, healthcare management is growing faster than average. …show more content…

My strengths are my self-confidence, determination, organization, and ability to prioritize. Balancing an overloaded school schedule, upwards of 24 credits in a semester, maintaining excellent grades, raising a toddler, and volunteering are demonstrative of my greater fortes. In terms of weaknesses, public speaking has always been difficult for me, as well as networking. I have branched outside of my comfort zone, engaged in volunteer opportunities, student organizations, and clubs as an effort to improve upon this. Lastly, my accomplishments include completing 95 credits within a two-year time span, which I will conclude at the end of this spring semester. Additionally, I have became a member of the Sigma Alpha Phi honor/leadership society, the Golden Key Honor Society, and have recently concluded being an Alternative Spring Break 2016 Co-Leader, where we arranged a trip to build an urban garden at an elementary school in Denver. What I have planned for the future includes graduating with my undergraduate degree this coming December, which entails completing 12 credits this summer, as well as 12 credits and a 150 hour internship in the Fall. Upon graduation I am hoping to enter into a graduate program. Currently, I have been leaning more towards

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