
Persuasive Essay About Technology In School

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Technology in School Technology is everywhere, it is involved in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With technology being such a fundamental part of our lives and growing each day, it only makes sense that schools incorporate technology in the classrooms. Even though many people support the use of technology in schools, there are those that have concerns about the effectiveness of technology and whether or not it undermines education to solely prepare students for the workforce. Despite the concerns, technology is being integrated with classroom lessons daily, and proving how beneficial it is for student success.
I think that the use of technology in schools is one of the best decisions the school system could have made. Living in a time period of accelerating change, I think that it is important to lean away from the more traditional educational tactics of teaching and learning that may have worked in the past. And start to transition into the more modern-day style of teaching and learning, which involves technology. Students are always using technology. Whether it is them on their laptops, tablets, or using their phones to surf the internet or an app, it is a vital part of their daily lives. I think that because technology plays such a primary role in students' lives, the best way to connect with students in the classroom, is to incorporate technology into some part of the lesson. I believe that

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