
Persuasive Essay About World Hunger

Decent Essays

“Hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to health worldwide. Each year the death toll exceeds that of AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.” There are around 800 million people in the world deprived from proper nourishment and statistic say it’s possible to feed everyone, but is it really? There are many different causes of hunger, such as: poverty, wealth inequalities, natural disasters, war, and food/ resource waste. Although there are many causes of hunger, thankfully there are some solutions that could be quite effective. These include: education, transfer of wealth, empowering women, international support, and technology. Despite the fact there are many solutions the crucial step in ending world hunger is implanting them into society successfully. …show more content…

Most of the world’s hunger and malnutrition is located in poverty stricken areas. In fact, ninety-eight percent of food deprivation is in developing countries. One of the leading reasons to this, is the high level of poverty in these areas. People living in poverty often don’t have enough money to afford food, and when they do, it generally doesn’t have enough nutrition to keep a human body running properly. On average, 896 million people in developing countries live on fourteen dollars or less a week. This income prevents people from being able to purchase food, causing malnutrition. Hunger is the main devastation of poverty and “is often called the most severe and critical manifestation of poverty”, mainly due to low the low income of most

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