
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

Decent Essays

Illegal immigration is when foreigners enter the U.S. without the proper paperwork, or entry, and visa. It is especially those who cross the border without proper inspections and those who stay longer than their visa’s period of time allowed to them as a visitor, tourist, or business person. Today there are about 11.3 million illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S.
Prior to the videos, I felt like illegal immigration shouldn’t be such a common occurrence that it is. While I certainly see why these individuals would like to be a part of everything that America has to offer, I couldn’t help but feel that it is something that should be the correct way in order to actually to get the most out of being here. I don’t feel like all of them should be deported, especially those with small children that were born here and deserve to be here. Also, many immigrants are beneficial to the community and serve the purpose of adding their culture to the huge melting pot that America is. Although, I would've prefered it if these individuals would have came here in the correct way, and done so legally.
These videos do change my perspective a bit, but not completely. I can’t blame them for wanting to escape poverty, bad living conditions, as well as offer the most that they possibly can to their children and their futures. These people that come here illegally have should the right to every opportunity that they can possibly have. Although, I still believe that this is obtainable in a

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