
Persuasive Essay On Immigration Reform

Decent Essays

Within the United States, there has not been a president to solve the issue of immigration reform. This has been a problem for conservatives and liberals in politics. Throughout the 2016 election, the question of immigration reform was posed from both the republican and democratic candidates running for president. The candidate that brought up this significant issue during their campaign was, Donald Trump. Now, a year after being president, the issue of immigration is more crucial than ever before. Since taking office, Trump has taken steps to crack down on undocumented immigrants by ending programs such as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and giving more power to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. (Andrea Gonzalez-Ramirez). …show more content…

as children, also known as, dreamers, are not clear as to what the future holds for them (Tanya Edwards). Not only are these people from different cultures impacted by this, but their families are as well. The other immigrants in this country who are not protected under this program are just as in danger of being sent back home and taken away from their families. By ending programs to help immigrants stay in this country legally and having no replacement for them, there is little hope for these people and their futures in the country. Immigrants have little to none rights in the United States due to their undocumented status, but the possibility of staying in the country is the only thing they have and it is being taken away by the current administration. With many other issues, feminists have joined the cause and supported immigrants by standing with them since Trump announced the end of DACA. They are voicing their concerns about the lack of reform of immigration in general, but also this specific action from the Trump administration. In this paper I plan to explain the issue of immigration in the United States today and why it is extremely

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