
Ph 715 Assignment 3

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Anurva Patel Assignment 3: Article Critique 3 PH-715 Date: 6 July 2015 This response is on an article written by Matthew K. Wynia of American Medical Association. The title of the paper is “Ethics and Public Health Emergencies: Restrictions on Liberty”, 2007. This paper was published in The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 7(2), pages 1-5 in 2007. This article generally discusses ethical view of public health emergencies and how to prevent the spread of disease. The author gives the best example of quarantine and isolation. There are three broad ethical issues related to handling public health emergencies like rationing, restrictions and responsibilities. The author gives the example of pandemic flu for describing ethical issues. Quarantine …show more content…

The author gives an example of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Taiwan, where 131-132 people were placed under quarantine but only 12 people were found to have cases of SARS. SARS cases continued to climb in both Taiwan and China after the use of quarantine. The quarantine must be effective at protecting the public’s health. The effectiveness of quarantines is based on social characteristics, such as whether population accepts the quarantine or not, biological characteristics (like transmissibility, duration of infectiousness, the recovery rate), and individual characteristics (like wearing mask, avoiding public gathering). For example, the use of quarantine for SARS was unnecessarily harmful if not completely ineffective (Annas, 2006). Benjamin Franklin and George Annas argue that,” Those who would give up an essential liberty to purchase temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security” (Wynia, …show more content…

Quarantine requires ethical justification and it imposes sizable costs on communities as well as individuals in terms of both liberty and economic impacts. The author mentions that basic ethical justification for quarantine stems from our moral obligation not to harm others. The author argued that the Harm Principle is to prevent harm to others. The basic principle is if quarantine prevents people from infecting others. It is fact that many people in quarantine will be exposed but not infected. It means that they are not dangerous to other people. Another principle that is described by the author is “Siracusa Principle”, which demands that coercive public health measures be legitimate, legal, necessary and represent the least restrictive means appropriate to reasonable achievement of public health goals. The basic concept is don’t use involuntary quarantine or surveillance devices. In conclusion, this article really brings the ideas on how to prevent diseases and the author describes ethical views of public health

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