
Pharoah And The Children Of Ancient Egypt: The Passover Festival

Decent Essays

Pesach (Passover Festival)

The Passover Festival is held to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt over 3,000 years ago.

The Torah tells of how the Children of Israel were enslaved in Egypt by a Pharoah who feared them. After many generations of oppression, God speaks to an Israelite man named Moses and instructs him to go to Pharoah and let God's people go free. Pharoah refuses, and Moses, acting as God's messenger brings down a series of 10 plagues on Egypt.
When Joseph and his brothers died, and the children of Israel had children and created a new generation in the land of Egypt, they had changed the political, cultural, and economic life of the country. It is not surprising that they stirred the jealousy of the native Egyptians who felt outdone by the so called 'foreigners.' The natives forgot the good Joseph, Josephs Brothers and the Old Pharaoh did for them. The natives were twisted in greed and hatred for the very people that saved them from poverty and starvation.
Then after the old Pharaoh of Joseph's time had died, a new king claimed the throne to Egypt. He had no sympathy or love for the children of Israel, and chose to forget all that Joseph had done for Egypt, just like the natives had. He selfishly decieded to do somthing about the Israelites, so he called his council together, and they came to a …show more content…

Never in the history of the world had there been such a devastating plague as this one, it brought complete ruin upon the city of Egypt, which was also extemely weak from the previous catastrophes. Again Pharaoh begged for Moses and Aaron to end this horrific plauge. Moses complied, hoping he would stay true to his promises, Moses prayed and G-d sent an extremely strong wind that drove the crazed locusts into the sea. The Pharoah turned to Moses and he refused to liberate the people of

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