
Phi 210 Week 2 Study Guide Answers

Satisfactory Essays

1. Customers may climbing the stairs, riding the escalator, or taking the elevator. 2. I will meet you either at the movie or later at the party. 3. Jake knew he had to run or stay to face the consequences. 4. I was told that finishing high school and enrolling in college would be wise. 5. He didn’t know whether to study first or watch television. 6. Sleeping and eating were his main occupations. 7. In the evenings he would swim in the lake and dance afterwards. 8. Either he should do it or let me. 9. Her ambition was both to act in the movies and write a book about her experiences. 10. He put the model together neatly, accurately, and skillful. 11. Mary likes painting, sewing, and playing piano. 12. That mask will not only scare Billy but

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