
Physical And Emotional / Psychological Abuse

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Physical and Emotional/Psychological abuse.
The two types of abuse I will be looking at will be physical and Emotional/Psychological abuse as they both differ from each other. I will be looking at two different case studies where one will be looking at the physical abuse and then the other case study will be different and look at the emotional/psychological abuse.

Physical abuse.
My first case study is about a woman whose name is Dorothy and is 70 years of age. She is female and suspect of abuse, which is physical. Dorothy is a vulnerable person as she has recently moved out of a care setting, as she did not like it and wanted to be closer to her family. She also suffers from joint pain and is very fragile as she bruises easily and her balance and co-ordination is not that good either. Dorothy has two daughters (Lisa 40, Adele 45 and James 48) and one son, which have five children that are her grandchildren. Although Dorothy has quite a few falls apart from that she is a very independent person who tried to do most everyday things on her own.
Physical abuse can have many effects on people whether it is long term or short term. Everyone is different from the way that they cope with abuse because some people are stronger than others are. This means that some service users will try to get on with their life although it is the back of their mind and then some will take longer to recover. Short term means that it is the affect straight after the incident such as pain and

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