
Pipeline Persuasive Essay

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beauty and prestige of the landscape around this country is caused by utter disregard. Every year at the taxpayers expense the fuel industry continues to receive massive profits while communities across the country suffer the impacts of climate change, oil spills and water contamination. They will not get fixed properly until the people in charge stop ignoring the problems and are held accountable for their actions or replaced.
Pipelines play such a big role in our lives which is why we as people rely on them for so many different things. Household products that we use on a daily basis such as aspirin, heart valves and crayons are some of the few items manufactured from crude oil. On the other hand there has been many events that have wrecked havoc on so many people …show more content…

Mountaintop removal, is one of the most harmful things that we do to our environment. It has already destroyed more than 500 mountains which is more than 1 million acres. The coal companies dump the rubble into the neighboring valleys exposing heavy metals and other toxics that also pose threats to the region’s plants and animals. The pipelines involved in Fracking for natural gas are even more inefficient than the methods of obtaining coal. Fracking is when charges are set far underground into the hard bedrock called shale where there are pockets of burnable fuel. When the charges go off exploding these deposits of gas it then begins to seep up through the ground and pipes are set in place to try to harness and hold as much of that gas as possible but on average in that field only 15 percent or less is actually collected. The bedrock that the charges are set in are what purify the drinking water for the area in which it is located, so when Fracking takes place the 85 percent on average of uncollected, extremely toxic, gasses go straight into the soil and into the drinking water. The

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