
Plato 's Theory Of Form

Decent Essays

Plato coined the term “Socratic questioning” to encourage the open discussion of philosophical theory for the purpose of improving said theory. Aristotle took advantage of the practice of Socratic questioning to inquire about Plato’s theory of Form and its explanation of causality in comparison to Aristotle’s own theories of causality and being. Aristotle criticizes Plato’s theory of Form because it only accounted for a one-dimensional explanation of what things are made up of and what identifies them. Aristotle offers his own explanations of causality and being through his four causes and his categories of being in an attempt to rectify Plato’s perceived failures.
In Metaphysics 1.3 and 1.6 Aristotle criticizes Plato’s theory of forms, specifically his accounts of causality. In order to understand why Aristotle disagrees so wholeheartedly with Plato’s theories it is important to understand Aristotle’s own theories on causality. Aristotle claimed that there were four causes that explain what something is, what made it exist, and why it exists. The first is the material form which accounts for the materials a thing is made of, next is the efficient form which is the force that pushes the thing into existence, the third is the formal form which is the essence or function of the thing in question, and the last is the final form which is the purpose for which the thing in question exists. In the example of a house the material form is the wood, concrete, and insulation that

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