
Police And Police Brutality

Decent Essays

It comes to the point where no one becomes safe as one walks outside the front door of the house. Leaving the minorities questioning if they will ever be safe in the streets again. Not everyone in the world is a criminal, but it only takes one person to ruin and blame the whole race. Police brutality is an everyday case and there has yet nothing to be done to help reduce nor stop the violence. Often people critic the duty and the responsibilities that a police officer has in this county. Their duty is far from just eating donuts and drinking coffee. The first thing someone does when they feel like their life or someone’s life is in danger, is call 911 expecting that the law enforcement appears on the scene in .0 seconds. Even then a …show more content…

Is there really anything that will help solve or at least help reduce the abuse of power that police officers exercise on the citizens of this country?
The victims who suffer of police brutality are traumatized and do not know who to trust after they have experienced such a heinous act against them. It starts by recognizing that the United States has a problem with the use of excessive force in policing. Protests and riots are little effective. The police departments take it into consideration to have a more diverse and women officers, but the problem has gone too far already. The problem should have never started to begin with. This is a multicultural and a very diverse country where one bumps into someone of a different race and culture anywhere. Double marginality is practiced on a day to day base. In Criminal Justice in Action, “This term refers to a situation in which minority officers are viewed with suspicion by both sides” (Gaines and Miller 149). Even if this were true, policing is more effective if an African American or Hispanic patrol in a more diverse community. Police officers create a more one on one professional relationship with the residents of the community. The residents wouldn’t see the police officers as threats in their communities anymore, but that they are there to help. They would feel a lot more comfortable and safe knowing they can step outside their door

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