
Political Party Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

1. How does your essay challenge something about the way most people think about this topic?
My essay challenges how each political party feels in regard to the middle class. I presented viewpoints from various sources that were able to engage in a conversation. Many Americans believe very strongly in favor of one political party, but in my essay I presented points that support and oppose each political party. This challenges the idea that a person can only support one political party when their interests can support another. 2. How do you engage opposing positions? How do they make your paper more complex?
I engaged in opposing positions by presenting viewpoints from both Democrats and Republicans, as well as unbiased sources. I engaged in opposing positions by having my sources contradict one another. On page 3 of my essay I used a quote that talked about how the Democrats feel about the Republicans. “…to cut spending on services that benefit lower-income earners and poor people in favor of preserving tax cuts that benefit the wealthy” (“Obama Addresses”). I then followed this up by the opposing point that said “In contrast to this, the Republicans have been working to disprove the Democrats comment that stated, “GOP policies work in favor of the rich and at the expense of middle and lower income people” (Ferrechio).” 3. …show more content…

How did the essay evolve through the process of inventing, drafting, and revising?
When I first started my essay, it was not in a synthesis format. Throughout my revision process I kept working to create a conversation as well as adjusting my citations. I have never written a synthesis essay before, so this writing style was completely new to me. After my revisions I was able to write a concise and clear synthesis

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