
Ponzi Scheme Perpetrated By Bernie Madoff

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In chapter 1, and the videos presented to us, we learned that there are bad decisions being made at all levels of management. We assume that as executives the answers should be straightforward and easy. The reality is such that decisions made by these individuals are flawed from the beginning due to nature of thinking applied to them. There are two types of thinking systems. The first is System 1, this is fast, effortless and implicit thinking. This is the system most of the leaders follow, and we are almost preprogrammed to do so. The System 2 approach is more calculated, slow, explicit and logical. That’s is the system we are using when we make good decisions with long term sustainable results. The issues with both of these systems is that they are not consistently applied in all cases. Bad decisions are a fact of life in the business world, and the consequences are much greater. One that comes to mind is the Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Bernie Madoff. Had he thought through his decisions in a more calculated manner, this could have been avoided. …show more content…

We must examine all the details in order to make an informed decision. The example used for Affect Heuristics stated that someone evaluation of a person or place would be compared to something in a hiring manager life. It could be a family member, an incident unrelated to the person being interviewed, but similar in nature to something that the manager experienced, or it could have been the fact that a person just reminded them of someone they dislike. No matter the reason, we must remove these characteristics from the decision making process and examine them without prejudging the person, place, or

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