
Positivist Approach And Human Social Behavior

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What is a positivist approach one may ask? Positivist approach is the view of how societies are structured and human social behavior by examining it through methods of natural sciences. Positivist approach is defined as an approach that assumes deviance is real, it exists in the objective experience of the people who commit deviant acts and those who respond to them (Conrad, Peter & Schneider, 1980). A book that provides great insight on explaining a positivist approach to those who may not understand is My Lobotomy by Howard Dully and Charles Fleming. Howard Dully was just like any ordinary young boy his age who would get in trouble either in school or at school. Yet, Dr. Walter Freeman, his father and step mother agreed this something wrong with him causing him to receive his lobotomy. Although he received the lobotomy he was still abandoned by his family and went through a rough lifestyle. He spent his teen age years in mental institutions, his twenties in jail and then as he got older he turned to alcohol. When he became older and questioned the lobotomy he found out reasons how the procedure fit perfectly with the paradigm of his time. What will be discussed is the basic assumption and logic of the positivist paradigm. Which will be tied to the historical development and the relevance of its criticism. Understanding the basic assumption and logic of the positivist paradigm is by knowing what it means. positivism means a perspective on knowledge and reality that

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