
Poverty Inequality Is Necessary For Many Reasons For Poverty

Decent Essays

Living in an impoverished community creates many hardships for these individuals. Hardships such as not being able to pay bills, not getting enough food on the table, not being able to pay medical expenses, and more. Inequality is a real problem in America when it comes to social classes. The inequality has been rising throughout the years. There are many solutions to this problem that have been proposed such as taxing the rich more, or reducing the costs of public colleges, so these people can get educated and get out of poverty. Although this is an issue, some of this inequality is needed in America’s capitalist economy to stimulate productivity and innovation, but not to the extent it is currently. The inequality between classes is necessary, but needs to be reduced.
Inequality is necessary for many reasons. Poverty fills many roles in society that would otherwise not likely be filled for example, according to Gans “the existence of poverty ensures that society 's ’dirty work’ will be done” (P.1). Without poverty theses jobs that people do not aspire to do such as a garbage man, or a cashier would have in a deficit in their workforce. This type of work, although undesirable to most, is a needed for the economy to be functional. People need to have their trash picked up, or to have someone sterilizing a hospital room for the economy to be able to function the way it does today. These jobs could offer more money to make it more desirable, but then people may just pick those

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