
Predictable Stages Of Life

Decent Essays

Becoming a parent can be foreseen as a predictable life event. The course of one’s life can be seen to begin at conception and conclude at death; at each unique stage throughout the course of one’s life we ae able to identify specific characteristics of which help to mould us as individuals and inflict the premonition of change. As we transition through the stages of life we can see them to be implicated through that of the growth of our physical, intellectual, emotional and social development in reflection to the guidelines of one’s developmental transitional milestones of which can be seen to be written in stone by ones predictable life cycle stages. In most cases when a child is conceived into this world it can be seen to be premeditated, …show more content…

When bringing a child into the world a relationship of a couple can be seen to withhold a greater disruptive presence with a greater strain being placed upon the stature of the relationship due to the lack of free time available. The reasons behind couples finding themselves withholding a smaller duration of time available can be presented through the sleepless nights of the infant as well as the conflicting worry’s behind their infants health. When looking into the positive aspects of bringing a child into the world we are able to foreshow that this new addition helps to provide the sensation and satisfaction of both joy and fulfilment into the structural composure of one’s life composition. Within the stature of one’s life the emotional composure and relationship retained between a parent and child is crucial as it helps to lay the foundational support network of which is to remain and be built upon as they transition through their developmental norms and life stages. The growth and development of the infant can be seen to be promoted and applicated through the knowledge and growth of the career in question who is seen to develop and grow in order to meet the needs and cater for the child to provide them with the best possible start in

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