
Primary Research Paper On Cloud Storage Service

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There were approximately 1.5 billion smartphones sold in 2016. When a person chooses a smart phone to purchase, one possible consideration is that of how much memory the device has. Memory is used for storing lots of things such as pictures, documents and applications. There are three main types of smart phone memory;
• The device itself. This is not easily increased or adjusted.
• A memory card. Memory cards have, over time, reduced in price whilst increasing in capacity.
• Cloud storage. Defined by Techopedia (2017) as “A cloud computing model in which data is stored on remote servers accessed from the internet, or "cloud." It is maintained, operated and managed by a cloud storage service provider on storage servers that are …show more content…

Google (2017) offers free cloud storage of up to 15 GB capacity and then further capacity of up to 100 GB for £1.59 per month or up to 1TB for £7.99 per month. The storage provided has levels of security for the user and options to be able to share the content at will. Apple (2017) provide 5GB of free storage per account and then further options of 50GB, 200GB and 2TB for £0.79, £2.49 and £6.99 per month respectively.
Whilst exploring the correlation between the pre-installed application and if a smartphone user chooses that pre-installed option, Warren (2017) argues that strong consideration should be given to these existing services, especially if you are wanting to have access to your important data, regardless of location or condition of your device. If you extend the arguments put forward by Warren, the positive elements he lists could be applied to non-pre-installed cloud storage applications. Arguably therefore, negating his emphasise of consideration.
A very detailed piece of research completed by Kuroda, Koguch and Ida (2017), exploring the effect of mobile OS on the mobile services market, focused on mail, search and map services. This limited piece of research into cloud storage services, somewhat extends some of their work. They found that the users choice of OS, affected

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