
Privatization Of Education In The United States

Decent Essays

TJ Sinkoski
Mrs. Nicholson
English 9 College Prep
April 15, 2018
Privatization of Schools The privatization of schools in The United States has been a hot topic for many Americans. Many people such as President Trump, would argue that the privatization of education in America would be beneficial, while others can see the consequences of making schools private. The privatization of education in America could be terrible to millions of United States citizens across the nation. The privatization of schools and the education system would be detrimental to millions across the nation because of cost. “Private school education was roughly 7,770 dollars per year.” (Davidson). That cost could potentially be too large especially with the average …show more content…

The first amendment states that American citizens have a right to practice their own religion, and public schools protect that idea by not forcing that idea of religion on people. Removing public education could force parents to enroll their children into a school where their beliefs are not supported for an example being an atheist or being of Jewish faith. By removing public education, you are infringing on the student’s right to peruse their own ideas and not their parents and school’s ideas. Many parents like the idea of sending their children to a private school and get an education and learn about their religion. Parents argue that they should be able to force their ideas and beliefs onto their children. Some parents would say that they could have their children attend a religious service instead of attending a private …show more content…

Millions of children in the United States need a school bus to get to school on time and safely. If the privatization of education happened millions of parents would be forced to take their children to school in the morning or pay a fee to ride a bus. For many parents driving their children to school in the morning is simply not an option because of their job.” Some private schools in Maryland have created private van or bus systems to provide group transportation that is paid for only by those who use it” (The Baltimore Sun) Children could potentially be stuck at school in the afternoon because their parents not being able to pick them up because of their job, and unlike public schools there are not a couple private schools in every town making a ride to school take a long time for parents that need to go to their jobs right

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