
Proc 5830 Essay

Better Essays

PROC 5830 –Mid Term-Exam

1) Define the five key elements of a pricing strategy.
Value Creation- Value for customers is a critical task for marketers, especially when developing

new products and or a service. Marketers explore ways to distinguish themselves, in the eyes of

the customer, from others in the marketplace designing strategy, recognizing new product

opportunities. As a customer looking in the customer value is what they get (benefits) relative

to what they have to give up costs or sacrifices.

Price & Offer Structure- A price structure is a segment set at various stages for pricing to

maximize revenue to companies while offering various pricing to customers with different wants

and needs. …show more content…

The secondary segments should cover as much strategic planning that the primary

didn’t focus on without being redundant from repetition of the primary segment.

Create detailed Segment Descriptions – These segments are pretty much self-explanatory to

the name. The segments should be in simplest everyday terminology so the personnel assigned to

communicate these segments can look at a chart without confusion and decipher what needs to

be communicated. Breaking these into sub-segments helps for an easier description and is

recommended for a clearer understanding for all involved.

Develop Segment Metrics & Fences – These metrics and fences are developed to track the

value a consumer pays for while paying for the perks; like head of the line privileges, discounts

for being a rewards member etc…. its geared to attract non-members or set an attraction to where

customers may feel they’re missing out on something and want to join or deserve whatever perk

that is associated with that benefit at whatever cost if there is a need. While developing fences

one must remember that you’re doing this to push higher prices for products that appear in the

high value segments. Fences are rules put in place for customers to adhere by to qualify for a

discount, which can also lead to customer to paying more despite what the seller

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