
Process Essay: What Is A Role Model?

Decent Essays

What is a role Model? A role model in my opinion is someone that does the right thing constantly, someone that can lead others to doing the right thing. As the dictionary states a role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.
Without role models in this world we would have nobody to strive to be like. Role models give the people learning the keys to success they lead and guide the people so they can make the right decisions. Before being a role model there will always be someone before them that was their role model. A role model is a leader someone who has earned the respect of others and has followed the lead of someone else so they can become the best leader …show more content…

As a role model you should also set the example so when others see you while you do what you are supposed to do the can learn to emulate the role model. Leaders should be great followers before a leader because without knowledge and wisdom nothing good will come out of what you do. Role models are servant leaders they do things for the betterment of the people they are doing it for. A role model has so much experience to give to all of us so that we can grow and learn the skills to become just like our role models. Role models are essential for life if people looked up to the wrong people our world would be filled with chaos we would be nowhere without a good leader. A role model will be dedicated to a cause they will pursue the best possible options to success then once they reach their peak they will always be looking for someone who can and will do better than them and lead others farther and farther to the specific goal. Role models should be honorable and have integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is around or watching you. Honor is respecting someone to the fullest even when they don't deserve it. Having these two things in my opinion will make you the greatest role model and leader out of them all. Respect is also a key tenant in being a good role model without respect as a foundation you will go nowhere until you learn it, because no one will take a disrespectful leader

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