
Profession Of Arms Essay

Decent Essays

What does it mean to be a Profession of Arms?
Professionalism can be deemed as a single individual or body of individuals seeking to perfect their expertise or field of choice. Although professions are oftentimes motivated by higher salaries, promotions, and benefits, throughout the Army it appears to be more of a vow or calling. As a Human Resources Sergeant in the Profession of Arms, we are not only responsible for yielding support that affects soldiers and their overall well-being but also in aiding them with the training and knowledge that keeps them combat ready and effective. This amplifies the role of any Human Resources Sergeant, thus increasing the importance of their roles in the Profession of Arms.
A profession can simply be noted as an occupation, but in many cases, being a Human Resources Sergeant in the Army supersedes the duties of just any occupation. The Army’s role as an American Profession of Arms provides an entire nation with security, fields of expertise, and most importantly its effectiveness. This can be justified through the hard work and dedication it takes to sacrifice one’s life for the safety and well-being of the nation as a whole.
Leadership and Progression …show more content…

The ability to lead while still progressing and acquiring more knowledge is one of the greatest privileges of the United States’ Army. Professionalism in the army is sponsored by the learning and development that enables those within to be adaptive while mastering the profession. In this particular field, becoming proficient in a Human Resources Sergeant’s role requires the professional to master every skill needed throughout his or her career. “The Profession of Arms” article outlines these skills in detail as key attributes to becoming successful in a career as

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