
Profession Of Arms Essay

Decent Essays

The Profession of Arms What does it mean to be a profession? Before reading this article, I would think being a professional was about your military bearing, your attention to detail, accomplishing the mission, taking care of Soldiers, and having a positive attitude. I’ve worn this uniform for eight years and I always had an outlook on what a professional Soldier involved. After reading the article a professional Soldier almost was the exact thing I thought a professional would be. In addition, the article would also reference to a professional taking time to progress. Professionalism isn’t something that comes overnight and how to be a professional needs to be geared with developmental training. Balancing role of profession can be challenging. We have to maintain numerous roles on a day to day base. While serving as a Human Resource NCO we should make certain our professional appearance are in the standards. Comparing the profession of role in the Human Resource world we are responsible for Soldiers lively hood (money, promotion, awards, etc.). We have to earn the trust of our subordinates and peers to ensure they know they can count on us to get the job done. Human Resource Non-Commissioned Officers has to have a passion for wanting to help and take care of people and …show more content…

We take these attributes with pride, we make sure to plan and coordinate to make sure things flow when conducting such ceremonies or accountability. Human Resource Professionals develop themselves by the guided regulations, policy, doctrines, SOPs (Standard Operation Procedures), this supports development and molds the professional Soldier which read in the Profession of arms article. Professionals establish relationship with their Brigades, Battalions, and other Human Resource professional as a resource

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