
Project Management : A Project Manager

Best Essays

CT5022 Project Management ASS 1

Identify and discuss attributes that you consider to be key to the role of an IT project Manager, focusing on how these attributes combine to facilitate good project management.

Jennifer Quinn


Identify and discuss attributes that you consider to be key to the role of an IT project Manager, focusing on how these attributes combine to facilitate good project management.

Identify and discuss attributes that you consider to be key to the role of an IT project Manager, focusing on how these attributes combine to facilitate good project management.
When implementing new ideas, plans or systems into any situation things are likely to get complicated. New proposals can be agreed upon without first checking whether they clash with other plans. It is the job of a Project manager to control and monitor the process so as things are completed (Hughes, 2004). Most if not all projects rely on the project triangle; Cost, time and Scope, to summarise this means monitoring a project at a specified cost, within a specified time to meet the businesses scope. If one area in the triangle changes there will be an impact to all areas. It is important that the project manager has the capabilities to monitor these changes and implement damage control where necessary. This essay discusses how being able to manage people in relation to time keeping, planning ahead and estimating time productively are all attributes that when combined monitored and

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